My Computer collection

I like computers... Old ones and new ones...

At the moment this page contains some pictures from my collection of old computers.
Some time later I'll probably explain my interest in each computer and I'll also try to
collect some technical information about each model!

See below for some links on old computers!

Luxor ABC Winchester unit (Harddrive)
Compis Harddrive

Now to the pictures:


Commodore 64II - New version

My first computer!
Not this actual computer thogh, as my first one died after a small accident which 380volt 16A connected to the Userport...


Commodore 64 - Old version

1541 (5 1/4" Floppydrive)

Modified with device ID selector switch
I've got 1 or 2 more of these.

Wico 3-way joystick
C64 Terminal software cartridge
C64 Wordprocessor cartridge

Centronix/Printer interface
by SECUS Data AB

Modified with databus thru-connector to
be able to connect more devices after this one...

Handic 300/300 Full Duplex Modem

RS232 interface (just a level converter)
By unknown manufacturer...

DELA 512kb Super Eprom card
and DELA Eprommer II EPROM programmer.

This is really cool! The eprom card is like a large
cartridge. Burn up to 8 eproms with games and software
and the DELA card lets you start those programs in
no-time from a menue!


Commodore Vic 20

Amiga 1200 HD (20Mb)


Luxor - ABC

ABC80 and powersupply with RF-output
(I've got 4 of these, two with RF-output and two with monitors...)


with ABC890 IO-Expansionbox
and ABC832 Dual 640k Floppydrive


(with ABC815 monocrome monitor)

I've also got at least one working ABC812 colormonitor


Micronik Digital and Analogue I/O-cards


Liber ABC Lab

Laboration system with digital and analogue I/O, psu, relays, opto-inputs and breadboard prototype area.


Telenova / Teli - Compis


First model, Compis-I
Monocrome monitor
Dual floppydrive



Color monitor
Dual floppydrive



DIP Pocket PC
(Atari Portfolio Clone)
Running MS-Dos!
The box to the right is a serialport adaptor.

Some Old Computer links:

Luxor ABC 800
Lars Christofferssons ABC sida
Göran Lundbergs ABC sidor
The Machine Room
Hogia PC-museum
Luxor ABC and Compis by PC/m (Personal Computer museum)
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